Rupak Majumdar

[Software Testing] Hitting families of schedules

Victor Dalmau

Approximation of MIN CSP

Johannes Kinder

High System-Code Security with Low Overhead

Tomáš Vojnar

Abstraction Refinement and Antichains for Trace Inclusion of Infinite State Systems

Evgenij Thorstensen

Self join elimination and new notions of query containment

Helmut Veith Stipend

Stipend for outstanding female students

Jörg Rothe

Economics and Computation: Five Challenges in Algorithmic Game Theory, Computational Social Choice, and Fair Division

Martin Schäf

Classifying Bugs with Interpolants

Igor Razgon

Lower bounds for branching programs of bounded repetition computing CNFs of bounded treewidth: an overview

Idit Keidar

Transactional Data Structure Libraries
Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 17:00