Call for Submissions: VCLA International Student Awards 2018

VCLA International Student Awards are awarded to authors of Outstanding Master Thesis and Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis (Bachelor). Beside the cash prize, the winners will be invited to present their work at an award ceremony during the Federated Logic Conference FLoC 2018 in Oxford. Extended deadline: March 25, 2018 (AoE).  


The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms of TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), calls for the nomination of authors of outstanding theses and scientific works in the field of Logic and Computer Science, in the following two categories:

  • Outstanding Master Thesis Award
  • Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award (Bachelor thesis or equivalent, 1st cycle of the Bologna process)


The Outstanding Master Thesis Award is accompanied by a prize of € 1200, and the Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award by a prize of € 800.
Additionally, the winners will be invited to present their work at an award ceremony during the Federated Logic Conference (FLoC) 2018 in Oxford.

Call for Nominations 2018

Call for nominations for the third edition of VCLA International Student Awards 2018 with a new deadline March 25, 2018 (AoE) March 15, 2018 here

First edition of the VCLA International Student Awards 2015

The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms of TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) announced the first edition of the VCLA International Student Awards in the course of the largest event in the history of logic taking place in Vienna, in the Summer of 2014. The Vienna Summer of Logic (VSL) consisted of twelve large conferences and numerous workshops, attracting over 2000 researchers from all over the world.

The highly successful first edition of the VCLA International Student Awards was concluded on Friday, May 15, 2015 with the celebration of four winners in two award categories. Details and photo gallery here.

Second edition of the VCLA International Student Awards 2016

The highly successful second edition of the VCLA International Student Awards was concluded on April 16, 2016 with the celebration of two winners. Details and photo gallery here.

Third edition of the VCLA International Student Awards 2018 in Memory of Helmut Veith

The award is dedicated to the memory of Helmut Veith, the brilliant computer scientist who tragically passed away in March 2016, and aims to carry on his  commitment to promoting young talent and promising researchers in these areas. Another piece of Veith´s legacy, beside Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms, is the Helmut Veith Stipend for Female Master´s Students at TU Wien, Austria. Its mission is to honour the legacy of Helmut Veith in serving the field of Computer science at TU Wien and the society at large by identifying, and supporting the female talents who possess the curiosity in the research fields of the late scholar.

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