Helmut Veith 1971-2016

helmutveith_whitebackground_resize_frameIt is with the deepest sadness that we announce Helmut Veith’s passing on March 12, 2016. Helmut was a brilliant researcher, an inspiring collaborator, a stimulating teacher, a generous friend, and a wonderful father and husband. He leaves a void that will be impossible to fill. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.

Funeral speech by Georg Gottlob

Obituary by Thomas Eiter: German and English

Obituary by Richard Zach (English)

Obituary by Oliver Lehmann (English)

Obituary by Florian Aigner (German)

Obituary by the students of the Doctoral College Logical Methods in Computer Science (English)

Commemorative booklet (Russian-English)

Personal statement by Dana Scott about Helmut (video recording, starting at 48:40)

If you have photos of Helmut (or him together with his friends) which you would like to share with others, please send them to Mihaela Rozman (ta.alcvnull@eciffo).*

In memory of Helmut, we will institute a stipend to support promising students. We are asking for contributions.
Contributions to the Helmut Veith Stipend can be made to

  • “Zentrum für Informatikforschung”, IBAN: AT36 1200 0515 8258 2701, BIC: BKAUATWW, reference: “Helmut Veith Stipend”
  • or by credit card via PayPal

*Katarina Singer has said goodbye to Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms, TU Wien.

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