Markus Endres

Preference-Aware Database Systems

VCLA and Institute of Logic and Computation hosted a talk by Markus Endres

DATE:Tuesday, July 24, 2018
TIME:14:00 s.t.
VENUE:Menger meeting room, Favoritenstraße 9-11, Stairs 2, Floor 3 (HF 03 11)


The handling of user preferences is becoming an increasingly important issue in present-day information systems. Among others, preferences are used for information filtering and extraction to reduce the large volume of data presented to a user. They are also used to keep track of user profiles and formulate policies to improve and automate decision making.

However, personalization of information systems poses new challenges to database technology, demanding a powerful and flexible modeling technique for complex user preferences. In my talk, I will address the concept of preferences in database systems: I will give an overview on preference engineering and preference algebra, the PreferenceSQL system for personalized database queries, preference optimization, and parallel and distributed algorithms for efficient preference evaluation. I will present open issues and my current research activities as well as future work and trends in preference-based databases.

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